
Cheat Trigger

Might not make you a winner,
but will make you more successful

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Cheat Engine for RPG Maker

Hey Trigers!

In this post, I will teach how to use Cheat Engine (which is a specialized tool to cheat) applying it to RPG Maker games.
As you may know, RPG Maker Engine is known for being unstable when messing around with its lines of code and consequently freezing or crashing the game.
However, there is an easy way around it that works with most RPG Maker engine games and this is how:


Set up Cheat Engine to the game, than chose what you want to cheat. Ex: Money, as you can see I have 400 gold, you just need to digit your current gold amount like this: (400*2)+1 .The (*2)+1 part is to speed up the research process


Than spend some money to change the current amount mine is now 390 , so just change at Cheat Engine the new value 390 and hit next.


Now that we have located the value on cheat engine double click it, then click with the right button of the mouse to open the options scream,


Now it’s where the magic begins, just click at "Show as hexadecimal" it will look like this

Double click it again, erase two Zeros, and replace them with two AA and hit ok,

Now back at the game you should have the maximum amount of money possible.

You can apply this trick to any other thing you may want to cheat such as levels and items and it will not freeze or crash the game. Well that is all for today until next time.
Most households have an unsolved Rubiks Cube but you can esily solve it learning a few algorithms.

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