
Cheat Trigger

Might not make you a winner,
but will make you more successful

Monday, July 17, 2017

How Create Minecraft Server (Easy Mode)

Hello Triggers!

In this post i'll teach how to make a Minecraft Server for easy and faster mode.

First Step you need a "Net" where you'll connect.

For example: softwares as Hamachi, or Tunggle (or any other Peer to Peer free software), and how this software works?
This softwares emulated local connections (Peer-to-Peer) between your friends.

Peer to Peer uses virtual routes systems, in OSI architecture in 3rd layer, works with IP, no matter if was local IP or external IP (In future i'll explain in another post), IP is used to set routes of connections, simulating local connections in your friends networks with yours.

Second Step, after you install one of suggested programs.
Option 1: Hamachi
In Hamachi (becareful there will be a sponsor software to install with hamachi) you need create a local network, to do that click in "power" button at the hamachi's window program.

You need register to use the hamachi as server... Click at "Create a new network" button

Setup the name and the password of the network and press Create.

And done your LocalNetwork server was setup

Obs: there will be a little laggy if you invite more than 3 friends to play with you, this happens because you're using a free account service in this post (in future) i show how made a server as pro user.

To your friends enter in your network them need click at "network" > "join an existing network"
insert your network name and password. After this go to Third Step and follow the instructions

Option 2: Tunggle
First at all lets think about our internet security, during the installation go to custom installation and disable flash player (some ransom were exploit i failure of flash player to hack your computer, this is why the actual web browsers don't allow flash players anymore)

You need register to use the program. (Remember you'll receive a confirmation email to confirm the user)

After the login go to "Private Networks" > "Create"

and setup the network

Create and Confirm the private network

The link will open a web browser request

After confirm the Tunggle will restart
Create your private network, invite your friends and tell them to join to your network and copy your simulated IP

For your friends join into your server they needs follow the steps:
"Private Network > "Join"

And here we go to
Third Step

Download the Minecraft Server from the official source or a third party source

Official Source or Third Party (the process is the same)
Double click at the Icon "minecraft_server.x.xx.jar" where "x" is the version of the server.
After this a file named eula.txt will appear, open the file and change the third line eula=false to eula=true save

Now lets setup the
Right button mouse open with... -> notepad
Obs: everything between #[etc] is my comment explaining how it's works

inside the file will be this parameters:

op-permission-level=4 #[owner permission]
allow-nether=true #[enables or disable nether]
server-port=25565 #[here you define the port of access]
max-world-size=29999984 #[world limit]
level-seed= #[here you can define a seed if you want generate a new world from server]
server-ip= #[setup with your IP from Tunggle or Hamachi]
online-mode=true #[true autenticated users (mojang account)  can access, false allow all players play (pirate distribution)]
resource-pack= #[If you have a main resourcepack for all maybe cause lag]
pvp=true #[enable or disable PVP]
difficulty=1 #[dificult 0 to 3]
motd=A Minecraft Server #[Server name]

To work you need change the bold parameters

and double click again at the icon

and done server created

now in the minecraft game, when you choose the server your friends needs setup the port (we made this in the and your IP (P2P as hamachi or tunggle).

If this was hard and you need a video please subscribe at my youtube channel

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